Feeling Stuck at 200 YouTube Views a Day? Try This.

Milan Smets2024-02-10

“What got you here won’t get you there”. If you’re stuck at a daily view count that is below your expectations, try this.

The Micka Show was struggling to grow.

This was to no fault of her own.

Some YouTube channels stagnate because the audience expectations for what makes a “good video” keeps changing.

We made ZERO changes to the creator’s persona and 100% changes into improving:

• Thumbnails → Increasing click-through

• Titles → Hooks that support thumbnails to also increase click-through-rate

• SEO → YouTube is the second biggest search engine after all

• Editing → YouTube is all about viewer retention

As a result, the channel increased their views by 200% in 90 days.

In that same period, TMS grew from a base level of 200-300 views a day to the base level of 1,000-1,500 views a day.

So how can you turn your channel around from stagnating?

• Find unsaturated topics in the niche.

• Optimise all the various parts of the channel for long-term success because YouTube is a long-term game.

• Create a sustainable content plan because nothing hits worse more than creator burnout.

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