How We 43x Our Client’s YouTube Views in 38 Days

Milan Smets2024-07-17

Within 38 days of working with TOTG, channel views increased from about 300 views per video to 13,000 views per video.

When we started working with Twins on the Go, the channel was averaging around 300-500 views per video.

The content itself was incredible – a family of six travelling the world, living a life many families could only dream of.

So why was each video getting relatively low views?

As with most of the clients we onboard, their channel was massively under-optimised for YouTube’s algorithm.

But those are the exact channels we love to work with - channels that are already offering value by the bucketload but just need optimisation.

So we got to work.

• Optimising their thumbnails for clickthrough rate by making the text bigger, increasing the brightness and vibrancy, and adding more emotion and creativity.

• Making their titles more exciting and increasing the pacing of the video editing.

• Optimising the channel for SEO.

• Optimising the intros and outros to maintain audience retention.

• Brainstorming ideas to help TOTG create videos based on bigger and better ideas

• Putting together a market analysis to find the gaps in the market.

It didn’t take long to see results.

Within 38 days of working with them, their views increased from about 300 views per video to 13,000 views per video.

The channel’s turning point happened after our market analysis found a gap in the market in Bangkok, Thailand.

We came up with the idea of filming a money challenge while the family were travelling out there.

That video performed significantly better than previous videos, and during the channel’s increased growth, we also applied and were accepted into YouTube’s partnership program to monetise the channel with AdSense.

After that video, a new base level of views grew the channel quicker.

And that is just one example of how our market analysis has found gaps in the market, and utilising that knowledge, we can grow YouTube channels significantly faster.

Here is how you can create your own market analysis.

• Escape the red ocean full of competition by copying popular ideas verbatim.

• Look for gaps into the blue ocean for untapped potential.

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