How We 75x YouTube Views in Just 13 Days and 150x in a Month

Milan Smets2024-05-24

We created the second best performing video for this 5-year-old YT channel with 40K subscribers and 998 videos, outperforming 997 videos.

When we started working with Cannabis Legalization News about 3 weeks ago, they were averaging about 1000 views per video.

The content was good, but the videos just weren’t packaged in a way that was going to get significant views on YouTube.

So our team got to work.

For our first video on the channel, we optimised every part of the video, from the video idea, title, thumbnail, SEO, intro, outro, video editing and dozens of other small components.

We uploaded the video, and it received 3,300 views which was already more than triple what they were getting per video previously.

We dug deeper into the channel’s previous videos for CLN's second video.

They had already uploaded 997 videos in the 5 years of them running the channel, so we had a lot of data to utilise to make a strong second video.

So that’s what we did.

Their second video received 75,000 views within the first 2 weeks – which also happened to be CLN’s second most viewed video on the entire channel, outperforming 997 of their 998 videos.

One of the reasons this video did so well was because videos talking about federal law, and whether certain cannabis-related products are legal tended to outperform other video topics on their channel.

For example, the following topics make up the most popular videos on CLN’s channel:

  • Are Online Cannabis Seeds Legal?
  • Is Delta 8 THC Legal?
  • How to Ship Cannabis Hemp Legally?
  • Is Cannabis Legal in the UK?

So it made sense that the next video should be, “Is Cannabis Legal in the US?”

After just two super-optimised videos, the channel is getting thousands more views per day, and CLN are getting more leads and sales than they’ve ever had from YouTube.

We do this time and time again for new channels by:

• Analysing the niche

• Finding the gaps in the market

• Making a video where there is huge demand

• Optimising the nuance details.

And those are the results – 1000 views to 75,000 views within 2 weeks.

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