This Single Hack Can Save You Months, even Years, on YouTube

Milan Smets2024-04-27

Coming up with better ideas sounds simple. And it is. Here’s how you can do it.

Empire Flippers uploaded 268 videos on YouTube. But they were only averaging 200 views per video.

On our first video together, we got 12 times the average viewcount.

Coming up with better video ideas.

There are many ways to produce quality content but for the type of content we produce for our clients which is mainly talking head the best way to improve your visibility is THE IDEA.

“The idea is so freaking important. You could pull triple the views with half the work if you just have better ideas.” - Mr Beast

Spending more time researching and brainstorming the idea will move the needle the most compared to improved editing or production quality.

Simply by focusing on the idea, we got 12 times the average view count for EF. After just a single upload. Despite the red ocean of other videos that didn’t perform.

But how do you come up with better ideas?

1. Understand your audience:

Research channels and videos in your niche that are performing well, and create for your audience/niche.

Tip: Check the comment section of these videos and work on videos that is requested by the viewers.

2. Trend surfing:

Cover topics that are relevant (Video below of Elon buying Twitter), remember the AI hype or the crypto hype?

3. Unique and Original Content:

While it's important to keep track of trends, originality can often be key to going viral. Something completely new and creative can make a big impact, this is also a lot more fun and sustainable.

4. Evergreen Content:

How-to guides, tutorials, and educational content can be highly popular over time, particularly if you are explaining a complex concept in a simple, easy-to-understand manner that nobody else is.

These are videos that may not perform high in the beginning, but stack up views even months or years from today.

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