How to Grow a SaaS YouTube Channel with AI | Greg Preece

Milan Smets2024-05-20

Greg Preece, a seasoned YouTuber and business consultant, discusses his journey and strategies for growing a SaaS YouTube channel using AI tools.


In this podcast episode, Greg Preece, a seasoned YouTuber and business consultant, discusses his journey and strategies for growing a SaaS YouTube channel using AI tools. He shares insights on leveraging analytics, content creation, and the significance of building a personal connection with the audience.

Greg Preece’s Journey

Early Beginnings

Greg started his YouTube channel seven years ago after leaving his 9-to-5 job and moving to Canada. Initially, he aimed to document his new chapter and share his passion for video creation and photography. Over the years, his channel evolved into a business as he learned more about YouTube and helping others succeed with online video.

Challenges and Scaling

Greg faced challenges in scaling his channel, particularly in finding the right angle to attract and retain an audience. He initially expanded his team by hiring editors and graphic designers but eventually scaled back, realizing that AI tools could help maintain productivity without the high expenses.

Strategies for SaaS YouTube Channels

Moving Beyond Tutorials

SaaS businesses often focus on tutorial videos and feature announcements. However, Greg emphasizes the need to create broader content that attracts new viewers. By discussing wider topics relevant to the target audience, SaaS channels can build a larger and more engaged audience.

Personal Connection

Having consistent faces for the channel helps build a personal connection with the audience. Greg recommends assigning one or two people within the company to be the primary presenters, ensuring that their personalities and characteristics shine through the content.

Leveraging AI Tools

Greg uses various AI tools to streamline his content creation process:

  1. Gling: For the first pass of editing, cutting out silences, and removing repeated sentences.
  1. Firecut: Adds dramatic zooms, chapter title screens, and captions to videos, enhancing the overall production quality.
  1. Opus Clip: Repurposes long-form videos into shorts for platforms like YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

Building Community

Building a community around your content provides long-term value. Greg highlights the importance of engaging with the audience and fostering a sense of belonging, which can lead to higher retention and loyalty.

Future of AI in Content Creation

Potential and Risks

AI is rapidly advancing, making content creation easier and more efficient. However, there are concerns about the future implications, such as the potential for AI-generated content to dominate and the ethical considerations around deep fakes. Greg believes that while AI will continue to play a significant role, maintaining authenticity and personal connection will remain crucial.

Authenticity as a Subculture

Greg suggests that as AI becomes more prevalent, authenticity may become a subculture, with a segment of the audience preferring content created by real people. This trend could lead to a balance between AI-enhanced and human-created content.


To effectively grow a SaaS YouTube channel:

  • Create content that goes beyond tutorials and feature announcements.
  • Use AI tools to streamline the content creation process and enhance video quality.
  • Build a personal connection with the audience by having consistent faces for the channel.
  • Focus on community building and maintaining authenticity.

By implementing these strategies, SaaS businesses can attract a larger audience, increase engagement, and ultimately drive growth.

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